City ecosystem

There have been many researches on city ecosystem or uban ecology as you might say. And ever more developing into so many branches and specialization, with advanced technology to help survey and analyze data.

urban ecology includes study of the interaction between living things and their environment in the city. The sociological view includes the social and spatial organization of the city. combined, we can address practical problems related to anthropogenic impact on urban ecological systems.

Now define city ecosystem..

It can be seen as a system where urban people live with their pets and vegetation correlate to their city environment which in this case is a controlled environment

A system of water, gas, and energy in which makes up the entire city. Its inhabitants are urban people, and their activities and buildings.

Can be considered as an organism which needs input and make output which the city takes from and spills out to suburban areas, and affect environment globally

In whichever way you put it, you can see more bad things it creates than good things when related to nature and planet earth. Its funny how the human race can take up more than they need. We all do it. Its our nature. Our nature destroys nature itself. Weird isnt it. It’s a like earth made a self destruction system when, as scientist say, monkeys evolved to human beings.

I am very pesimistic we can stop development, because we are not just dogs and cats that sleep,eat, and mate. The question is, are we really a self destruction system that the planet made? Or are we a unique form of life that makes balance in nature in a different way?. Take much, but we give a lot back and stabilize the earth with technology and science..

Theologically speaking, is it our destiny and fate that God created us as destroyers of earth. Or can we choose how we live and act as citizens of earth? If that is the case, then when is enough enough? We develop in so many areas, but if we are afraid on its impact on nature, we wont develop at all. Yet humans have a magnificant brain which produces creativity and development. For those who think they can choose, we might take a lyric from Elton John’s “Circle of Life”, Don’t take more than you can give. The human brain also has the capacity and potential to be wise and fair, to choose good or bad according to past experience, Homo sapiens. Wise man.

So, lets say we are all wise men,or women.. how do we control our development, in this case in built do we live wisely? Cities are human made habitats for humans. But making this habitat destroys habitats for other beings, and the activity in the city affects nature globally as we all now.does the law of biological competition come here? where human beings are the winners and those that cannot survive will be extinct.

If this is the case then we will surely see more and more species getting extinct, and the rapid change of nature due to unnatural movement of minerals and energy across the planet.

Wise man, we are smart enough to learn that if we keep living the way we live, then the planet will change in to an environment that is not suitible even for humans to live in. We have a protection instinct, an instinct to anticipate bad things that will happen us and our family. We have the capacity to love, love the planet, capacity to respect, respect other citizens of earth. I guess this is why many people are concerned about the planet and ecosystem now.

I think I am

So, I’ll try to pour my love and respect into my study of cities and urban development. When considered as an organism, the rational intention is to make a city’s system effective in its energy cycle, and control its impact on the planet. Lets leave the impact calculations to other scientists and focus on how to make the city effective and efficient in energy usage. I’ll try to to you through a tour of my perspective on human activity and culture and human movement

What my maybe funny choice of words mean activities such as work, sleep, socialize. Interestingly, recent technology makes us easier to connect to people without being in the same place, we can buy groceries from home, we can talk and discuss with colleges without being in the office. This might affect to mixed use buildings and not so many single high rise offices in the future. Who knows ;p we can use facebook to chat rather than meet friends directly. Single use spaces will be more rare in the future in big cities.. parks wont be as big, tenants will be small, and you don’t need so much streets to walk, just use your tread mill.

While these main activities might decrease physically, consumer products and enertainment will be so overlwhelming with choices and brands. The consuming activity will rise, cell phones, cars, etc. Beyond what people biologically need, they consume based on psychological and moral satisfaction, and endless realm in the human mind. The human hierarchial system based on materialistic ownership always make consumerism rise. This phenomenan I think we should also leave for community psychologist and sociologists to analyze.

Human movement through space is what we’re really trying to focus on. Movement affects on energy used for the movement and pollution from the output of movement. Why do people move around so much? Production, business activities, go to school, socialize, fulfill biological needs, as in going out to the shop to buy some veggies, and recreation.

Spaces between the human house, its basic needs need to be shortened. Controlled transportion system applied so that private vehichles decrease. Two straight sollutions, but somehow a never ending story of trial and error.

To be continued..

First, the issue of space. Our unique species does not only scatter around looking for any kind of food and biological needs. we are also, now more than ever, controlled by ego,socio- based needs, affected and triggered by cool marketing ads, fashion, culture, and all that stuff. Every teen wants to be a backppacker, in my town you hang out at coffee shops, cafe's, bars. You are called as a cool out going person when you go to live music concerts, join skate communities. Thats daily life. Now what about work? can anybody really stay close to their workplace? possibily but not permanently. Most people want to work in cool,high pay check, big office buildings and live in private, garden, view, single house in the suburban area.well maby most people, coz they want their children to breath fresh air, be able to play outside, study easily.. We can make a mixed use area with flats, offices, malls in one huge district. but how will this affect the sattisfaction of people? well, this needs to be sorted out and studied from previous research.( I'll try do that later)

Well, theres always an argument about mixed use city, its form, how it should serve,etc. but theres is an almost unanimous voice ( from some litteratures, talking to lecturers, and from samples from my previous questioneres) that public transportation is a really important and vital part of the city. its the blood stream of this concrete organism.and it needs to be fulfilled. For the moment, if I want to do something I guess I'll like to do something relatef to public transportation. its a big issue and really vital part.
