After doing my own small research, I found out people have been doing it better;p hehe. Well that’s good then, so I don’t have to do all the hard work. Anyhow, the Indonesian association of planners did a survey on 12 major cities in Indonesia, questioning 100 people in each city, year 2009.
The survey was based upon physical aspects and non-physical aspects ;
- Quality of city planning
- Quantity of open space
- Conservation and protection of herritage buildings
- Quality of cleanness of the city
- Environment contamination and polution
- Availability of public transportation
- Quality of public transportation
- Quality of roads
- Quality of pedestrian facility
- Availability of health facility
- Quality of health facility
- Availability of education facility
- Quality of education facility
- Availability of recreation facility
- Quality of recreation facility
- Availability of electricity
- Availability of clean water
- Quality of clean water
- Quality of telecommuniation network
- Availability of employment
- Accessibility to work area
- Cirminality rate
- Interaction between citizens
- Information on publiic service
- Availability of diffable facilities
The highest index was achieved by Yogyakarta with many highest scores in each category except economic opportunities, because Yogyakarta is really not a bussiness city. What surprises me is actually the point that the city with the lowest economic/job opportunities in the mind of its residence is Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, the biggest metropolitan city in Indonesia. Personally I would have thought it had the most jobs, but maybe its because compared to the number of growing population, the vacancies just arent enough. The most jobs are usually just outsourcing cleaning janitor companies or the like. People don’t have much choice in work, the career future just isnt good enough. People in the city say money easy comes easy goes.
The fact that Yogyakarta is the most liveable city is a good chance to look at what makes it this way, what to conserve, and what to develop. Neighbour cities like Surakarta also known as Solo are really trying to develop into modern cities with modern architecture and tourism sites. But will these developments make it a more liveable city or just make it newer with a modern outlook? Another small city I personally know and like is Batu, Malang. It is known as the Switzerland of Java because of its beautiful highland landscape and cool weather. The city is strengthening its branding and position as an agriculture tourism city. They will not accept mega-buildings that will make it a metropolitan city, they will stay firm and focus on their roots as an agriculture area. A firm step for an Indonesian city. Although this is due to strong leadership of the Bupati who was as the Forbes magazine said is also one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Java. Development is emerging throughout Indonesia, but in what direction? The study on Indonesias most livable city will help point out the aspects most important. And the cities with the lowest satisfaction index can point out what makes it so unliveable.
The survey was based on the opinion of people wich points out satisfaction in each category, but it does not yet point out more detailed elements in what makes it satisfying such as why people think the quality of public transportation is good. Is it because the bus is clean, on time, easy tracks, etc. this is a survey for best countries, ranking the op 100. I don’t know how many countries there are right now actually.hehe. Anyway, the aspects of basic measurement are education, quality of life, economyc dynamism, and political environment. Each category is detailed in sub categories so we know what exact measurements they use.
Another good reference I think would be Sanfransico planning and urban research association. It says a whole lot about community planning, how to make more sustainable and liveable cities
The basic idea in how to develop a city after all this reference is to know what the city has already got and achieved, start from there, strengthen it and work gradually on the problems. Development is more closer to opprtunities in strengthening what we have than solving problems. Vision comes first, and hard work in solving problems comes close behind. For the case of Yogyakarta, I would say keep strengthening health and education facilities and all that supports it. Following priorities would then be creating public activity pockets and the infrastructure that supports it, infrastructure, green open space, network,etc..
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