Intermezzo - lets talk about death

a very realistic thing that happens to EVERYONE yet almost EVERYONE seems to avoid talking about it. what happens next? do we just vanish in to thin air, with all our memmories and conciosness? puff. people left behind still have memmories of us, but what happens to us? Its a weird thought you know. all our lives trying to live a normal and successful life to whatever norm and social context binds us. be rich, be good, be a great father/mother, have a fantastic job, be kind. Do we have to? what if I decided to do all the baddest stuff I could do. murder, steal, rape, live a really gangster like life, and then drug myself to death. what do I care, why dont we all do that? I mean if death means being free. or de we all need to fulfill the expectation of the society? why? they're not always right.

I myself am quite scared when thinking about this topic. coz I do believe there will be something else after this life. Heaven and hell, judgment day. You've probably heard about this. maybe some of you believe it, maybe some of you dont, and maybe some of you try to believe it because you have to. well, if one really believes this, and sees this as a reality waiting to come, it would be foolish not to prepare for it, in ways that we believe in ofcourse. it like the story of the pigglets who built their house with straw, stick, and brick. the one that built with the brick had to do extra work than the others, but at the end his house was the only one that survived. he did what he thought was right, and had to do.

The question is do we build our house with straw or brick?
